From shared vision to strategic priorities

A Two-Day Team-Learning Seminar


  • To build alignment and commitment among members of a leadership team around a shared vision and its translation into strategic priorities and team ground rules.
  • To enhance the team’s capacity to learn and act effectively and in synergy, on                         its journey to becoming a high-performance team.

Intended Outcomes

  • Understanding of the characteristics of a high-performance team and of the                                     conditions for practicing the five learning disciplines in a team.
  • Alignment of the team members around shared values, a shared vision for the team, and the desired contribution of each team member in realizing it.
  • Shared and systemic understanding of current reality and of major gaps                                     between vision and reality.
  • Agreement on a few strategic priorities to address major gaps and on                                                 accountabilities for implementing them within the team.
  • Ground rules for working effectively as a team.
  • Agreement on next steps to expand, enrich and refine the shared vision                                     and the selected priorities, and to involve others in their successful                                                 implementation.


  • Team of senior executives, partners or leaders that need each other to act in the pursuit of a common vision.


 Day One

  • Welcome and brief review of the purpose and outcomes of the retreat.
  • Individual introductions and expectations.
  • Assessment of the team’s current position on the Team Performance                                                 Curve and Quadrants (see attached Preparation file).
  • Brief review of the characteristics of learning and high-performance                                                 teams.
  • Clarifying and sharing personal values and visions.
  • Conditions for surfacing and challenging beliefs and mental models, and practicing dialogue.
  • First exploration of the team’s vision for the organization in 3 to 5 years                                                 from the viewpoint of major stakeholders (e.g. customers, suppliers,                                                 partners, staff), including agreement on a compelling audacious goal.
  • Evaluation by the team of the corresponding aspects of current reality                                                 from the viewpoint of each stakeholder.
  • Identification of the major gaps or areas of creative tension between vision and reality for the team, and focus on some key leverage points.

Day Two

  • Dialogue and consensus on key strategic priorities for the team over the                                                 next 12-18 months to address major gaps between current reality and                                                 vision and take advantage of key leverage points.
  • Accountability charting for each priority within the team.
  • Choosing ground rules for the team in order to move upward on the                                                             performance curve.
  • Agreeing on next steps to enrich and implement the vision and strategic
  • priorities within the team and organization, and to monitor progress as a learning team.
  • Evaluation of the retreat vs. intended outcomes and individual                                                             expectations.


  • Brief presentations of concepts and tools followed by individual reflection                                     periods and interactive application in pairs, small groups and large group.
  • Optimal number of participants: between 6 and 18.


  • Advance reading on organizational and team learning.
  • Individual assessment of the team’s current position on the Team Performance Curve and on the Team Performance Quadrants (see attached Preparation file).
  • Individual reflection on expectations and potential contribution to team.
  • Communication of current strategic plan and surveys of key stakeholders.

About Alain

Alain Gauthier’s current focus as an author, consultant, facilitator, educator, and coach is on evolutionary co-leadership development and collective learning as prerequisites for cultivating deep and lasting change in and across organizations. A graduate from H.E.C. (Paris) and an M.B.A. from Stanford University, he has served over the past 45 years a large variety of client organizations in Europe, Japan and North America. He first worked as a senior associate of McKinsey & Company in Europe, then as a partner of a Paris-based consulting firm, and is currently Executive Director of Core Leadership Development and Founder of the Global Transforming Ensemble, in the San Francisco Bay Area.
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